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General information

Statutory health insurers are entitled to regular early diagnosis examinations. These depend on gender and age and are granted at different intervals.

  • For adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 there is an examination to check the physical condition and mental development (adolescent health examination / J1).

  • Since November 30, 2018, HPV vaccination for boys has also been part of the service catalog of the statutory health insurance companies. Boys and girls between the ages of nine and 14 can be vaccinated against HPV. Missed vaccinations should be made up to the age of 18 at the latest (i.e. up to one day before the 18th birthday).

  • A health examination between 18 and 35 years has been added to the service catalog.

  • From 35 years: Skin cancer screening (early detection) every two years. The skin of the entire body is examined.From 45 years: For men, annual cancer screening for the genitals and prostate.

  • From 50 to 55 years: Annual stool examination for men and women for colorectal cancer screening (test for hidden blood in the stool).

  • From the age of 55: Colon cancer screening for men and women - every two years stool examination (test for hidden blood) or a maximum of two screening colonoscopies every ten years.

  • Over 65 years: Since 2018, men have a one-time claim to an ultrasound examination for the early detection of aneurysms of the abdominal artery.

  • Vaccinations: Long-term protection against infections is also a preventive measure. For example, adults are entitled to vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria every ten years. From 60 years of age there is also a one-time vaccination against pneumococci and an annual flu shot. The annual recommendations of the permanent vaccination committee at the Robert Koch Institute provide a good orientation about vaccinations that make sense. All vaccinations recommended by the commission are compulsory benefits of the statutory health insurance companies. However, each health fund can provide additional vaccination offers as voluntary benefits in its statutes. Patients should clarify this with their health insurance in individual cases.

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