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Auszeichnung für herausragende Leistung

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Anna Lena Schäfer im November 2023 vom Verband freier Berufe in Hessen (VFBH) für ihre herausragenden Leistungen in der Abschlussprüfung zur medizinischen Fachangestellten (MFA) ausgezeichnet wurde.


Sie hat in allen drei Bereichen der schriftlichen Abschlussprüfung die Note 1 erzielt. Dies ist eine bemerkenswerte Leistung, die nur vier MFA-Absolventinnen in ganz Hessen erreicht haben.


Wir möchten diese Gelegenheit nutzen, um ihr zu gratulieren und ihr für ihre harte Arbeit und ihr Engagement zu danken. Ihre Leistung ist ein Beweis für ihr Talent und ihre Leidenschaft für ihren Beruf.


Auch unsere ehemalige Auszubildende und jetzige Mitarbeiterin, Svenja Fuhrmann, wurde ihrerzeit ebenfalls für ihre herausragenden Leistungen geehrt. Wir sind stolz darauf, sie beide in unserem Team zu haben und freuen uns auf viele weitere Jahre der Zusammenarbeit.


Am 01.07.2022 hat Alexander Stier den Arztsitz von Dr. Konrad Anneken übernommen und führt seitdem gemeinsam mit Dr. Stefan Anneken die Hausarztpraxis fort. Wir danken Dr. Konrad Anneken für 38 Jahre Praxisführung und sind froh und dankbar, dass er uns weiterhin unterstützt.


Do you have a fever and cough, colds or sore throat and have you had contact with people in regions affected by the coronavirus?

If so, please contact us by telephone before a visit to our medical office to discuss the further procedure. This is the only way to successfully prevent further spreading.

Since the beginning of the year we have been offering video consultation hours, which are very suitable for initial assessment in this context. Further information about the procedure can be obtained from our practice staff.

Current and clear information on the coronavirus can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health under the following link:

The Robert Koch Institute also provides a clear and easy-to-understand overview of the most frequently asked questions about coronavirus:

Outside of our opening hours, in case of emergency, the medical on-call service at the Odenwald Health Centre can be contacted by calling 116117 or directly on site in Erbach.

Job Offers

Team work

We are a well-established, long-standing general medical office in Bad König. Our goals are to maintain good patient care on site while at the same time improving the quality of life for us and our employees.


Dr. Stefan Anneken joined the staff on April 1, 2018 as an internist with primary care. He is expanding our diagnostic and therapeutic spectrum with internal ultrasound diagnostics and will later continue the practice.

Despite the secured succession, however, we still have a need for medical support. Our model of a still manageable structure in contrast to larger medical centres is well accepted by the patients and pleases us with a good working atmosphere.


Through many years of experience in the further training of general practitioners and now also students of the University of Frankfurt, we have experience in familiarising doctors with the practical skills that are not yet so assured. The further training to become a general practitioner is recognised up to 42 months. Thus, a good experience and safety in the treatment of everyday problems can be achieved.  


We are open to all models of employment (part-time, full-time, salaried, job-sharing, partnership) and are flexible in working hours and holidays. The fee will satisfy you. 

We cordially invite you to take a look at us, we are sure that we can infect you with our enthusiasm.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 06063 619 or by e-mail at

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